Tuaran Trip (Test Cam…)
Haha today morning accompany my friend go take his Baby already… After that then we direct go test it haha~ Go Tuaran resort try it… Including RasaRia, Karambunai, and Nexus. Not much talk. See photo… Of course I take my D60 go.
Read More to see others pictures. (2 stupid guy..)
20KM/J?? Why not 20KM/H?? “Gui Lao” where know what is J for?
Straight under the bridge… If car key fall down not need back liao lol~ The bridge only that “thin”? Tahan or not ohh…
Spot that “car”? Haha we walk quite a far…
Hmm clean lens for next round…
High shutter speed….
Low shutter speed….
That’s all. I know very “lan”. Haha now food section… After Rasaria, we been to that forgot what name restaurant eating… Meet church friend lagi lol~
Air Tebu (With kit zai!?)… Taste not bad o~
“Mao Pai” tuaran mee…
Ginger Beef and rice…
After that then on the way go Karambunai, stop again… Why? Coconut…… Haha~
Coconut pudding~
Burn coconut??
Fly… I know it disgusting haha~
Next section… U shoot me, I shoot U~~
(from D60)
(from D90)
(from D60)
(from D90)
(from D60)
(from D90)
Half way bridge…
(from D60)
(from D90)
(from D60)
(from D90)
And last… Here is D90 pictures…
Sot guy… Stand middle of road omg~
Benefits of holding 18-105mm lens…
My conclusion is…
D90 itself body is very nice… The color also nice. Focus point got 7. Really advice U if U wanna buy DSLR and got $$, direct go for D90, U wont regret.
I didn’t buy the stand is good thing… If not confirm regret… Now gonna save money… Buy an 18-200mm lens for my Nikon… In kk this lens sell RM1.3k. Today that shop should be can give me at rm1.1k.
Link here to see...
Must save money now… Haha~
Okay time to dream. Really tired.