Keningau + Tenom Trip(Day 2)
Continue previous post… If you haven’t read my previous post, please do so. If not then half half lorr haha~
Evergreen Farm
Today morning 7am wake up and prepare go to friend’s farm because we going to fetch the vegetables from every farm and bring to the central station haha~ (Actually that is the place they packing all the vegetables)
Their farm very big… Every morning need drives Lorry go in to collect all vegetables. Lets see some photos… Here we go…
Wah what do you want? U jump in not U eat THEM oh but THEY eat U o… Haha~
So special…
Too poor no money buy Macro lens… Kit lens tahan first tah…
Lonely… I’m so lonely…
Too old…
The only strengthen…
U look at me??
Tenom: Taman Pertanian Sabah
At around 12pm we went to Tenom… Takes around 30minutes to arrive there. Hmm what can say is HOT. Haha~
Just few cars there oO??
Read More to see others pictures.
See? Wanna know how huge is it? Continue read then U’ll know…
Our bicycle… RM3 for rent.
How hot is it… OmG,
This is limitation of 18-55mm lens… Damn. Next time save money go for 18-200mm lens keke~
Orchid Garden…
My cam finally no battery…
Going back Keningau lu…
Going Back KK
Hmm after back keningau already 4pm… Then we go for KFC~ Can consider dinner lorr hor?? Haha~ We wait until 5.45pm like that then we back because of sun… Hah we back from the Kimanis road… Kimanis at the highest hill there can see sunset… (Can consider sunset?)
Not much words. See picture…
The road quite dangerous…
Still haven’t at highest hill yet…
Read More to see others pictures.
Aha don’t sure use what setting… Test shoot only lol~
See the stupid guy again… SoT~
Ohhh… Romantic?? Not so haha~
A small resort here…
Hmm enough lo. Not nice 1… Haiz~ After the sun gone, the sky still so bright. T.T
This 1 is on the way back Papar shoot from a small restaurant.
Putatan highway… Play long exposure…Not nice… Ahhh…
Keningau for me is a really nice place because of quiet than KK. Err at least this time got learnt something lah… Hmm quite a relax Weekend. Not bad. Oh ya… Did mention about how tall the tree right? Show U here…
Haha is him again…
Cycling… Like not really suit me horr… Too small haha~
OKAY… My trip END here… Byee.