Dinner at HANA, Citymall.

Today same as usual at office do nothing... Today downloaded quite a lot of 3ds max and vray tutorials + materials... Others now busy on the SDB projects then I cant join that one because deadline is around the corner~
Today plan after off then go find some dinner or yum cha, then suddently got wei's call told me to city mall after off... So then good also lorr not need back home face computer AGAIN haha~(But currently also face computer...)
Then arrived citymall then I on way to popular, then at LeaSport meet mom and wei. After 10minutes then dad arrived. We dine at Hana Restaurant... Sister spend :)

Upload pics and gonna iron my cloth -(((


Duno what name is it =.= OKOK lo.

Hoo... Left is younger sister *ying* and right is my sister *wei*

Yiiiiing lol~

Mmmm... Sushi yaya...

Yii... Me and my mummy and daddy...

Conclusion is... for me sushi here is okok... Last time at Umai's sushi more speacial... Got mango favourite lagi...
Hmm that's all for today. Tomorrow continue download yea *.*


英俊善良可爱的刘骏豪 said...


yingying said...

Yiiiiing lol~
@#%&^*& u~

做么酱黑的,然后看不到眼睛了= = 囧个

yingying said...

要给你留个言都好辛苦= =
叫你不要用BLOGSPOT的啦= =

AlaN said...

haha L is U ar... Alah I put ur cute 1 later on wahaha...

AlaN said...

Quote: 英俊善良可爱的刘骏豪

Wah u cute meh? oh my god...
How your studies? ok mah??