
Hah tomorrow Im going to buy my touch hd… Hmm still thinking wan to buy or not… But I just now morning already order it’s cover and a hyperX battery leh… Actually wanna buy the charger also… but only leave 1 stock so let vun buy first. Today order HyperX Battery X 2, Poly Cover X 2, and charger X 1.

For mine already cost me RM110 T.T~ It’s Hong Kong brand… Actually wanna wait until Dec ask parent bring it back… But I cant tahan haha~ The charger maybe will ask them help me buy there la…

Hmm I think im 99% going to buy~ I think I got use for it… Bcoz suite for software developer mah. I can build software use in my phone also heh~

Dont know lah still consider it~ But tomorrow 1B sure many people… Bcoz…..

香港TVB特别安排剧中演员罗嘉良、吕良伟、马德钟、薛家燕、马国明以及陈敏之前来沙巴亚庇会见媒体朋友与剧迷,为即将播出的《富贵门》宣传造势,并会和受邀的朋友一起观赏首集《富贵门》。粉丝们可以在本月十七日(星期六)下午五时於1 BORNEO会议厅举行的《富贵门》剧迷见面会一睹偶像风采,稍后在晚上七时於中庭(Centre Atrium)举行《富贵门》马来西亚首映晚宴。

Sienz~ See la maybe change to Sunday then buy lah…